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TPU Berezovskoye

Завод ТПУ Березовское

ТPU Berezovsky was created December 29, 1960 Order of the Office of the peat industry CHX BSSR №215 for the production of household fuel (peat briquette) for population and other consumers of the Brest region, and also for the extraction of peat Agriculture Ivatsevichi district, located in the village of Green Forest Ivatsevichi district, Brest region.

In 1981, the Order of the Ministry of Fuel Industry of the Byelorussian SSR, it was decided to build a new plant, due to the depletion of natural resources in the field "Zaelove." In this decision also was influenced by a letter from the Brest Regional Executive Committee 21.04.78g. №140-7 / 24 that meets the needs of the existing plant in the area of household fuel by only 62.7%.

The construction site of the plant has been selected in the area and d.Nehachevo zh.d.stantsii Kossovo-Woodland. The plant is located 1.5 km from the industrial zone pos.Zelёny Bohr and existing at the time the company "Berezovsky", which allowed the use of its repair and storage, and since 1986, in connection with the disposal capacity of peat, and residential village with his staff , housing stock, administrative, economic, cultural and residential use.

Products TPU Berezovsky

In 1987 it was introduced a new briquette plant.

The raw material base of the plant was peatland "Stubla." The stock of peat deposit provided for the life of the resource base and the briquette factory 36 years at the plant capacity of 60 thousand tons per year.

In 1992, in connection with the development of commodity reserves of the field "Zaelove" was put out of action the plant, located in pos.Zelёny Bor. The direct connection of the plant with raw materials deposits "Stubla" narrow-gauge railway was hampered by the fact that the company was for the railways and highways Brest-Moscow.

In 2001 TPU Berezovsky the decision of concern on fuel and gasification Beltopgas was renamed Production Republican Unitary Peat Berezovsky (PRUTP Berezovsky).

Factory building
Factory building

In 2007, by order of the Ministry of Energy of Belarus №199 of June 29, 2007, order PRUP Brestoblgaz №571 from 24.07.2007g. created peat bricks industrial management Berezovsky (TPU Berezovsky) as a result of the reorganization PRUTP Berezovsky in the form of accession to the production republican unitary enterprise Brestoblgaz (UP Brestoblgaz) as a structural unit in order to improve production efficiency by improving the organizational structure State Production Association on fuel and gasification Beltopgas (GPO Beltopgas).

Founder and central governmental authority UP Brestoblgaz is the Ministry of Energy of Belarus. GPO Brestoblgaz is part of the PA Beltopgas.

Currently TPU Berezovsky is a separate structural division (branch) UP Brestoblgaz.

©2024, TPU Berezovskoye